Registration Open for New Admission 2024-25
Lipin International School - Best CBSE Affiliated Senior Secondary School in Attitka (Tauru)

Message from Principal's Desk

Swami Vivekanand Public School - Best CBSE School in Tauru

Principal's Message

Lipin Public School, Bhiwadi is managed by Lipin Shikshan Samiti with the main aim of focusing on excellence, maintaining high academic standard to ensure the promotion of quality educationin the rural area. Every Team member of Lipin Public School is committed to value for students satisfaction and serving the nation in the true sense of the word, as it is only that which will build a strong, firm proud of India. Commitment, dedication, inspiration and leadership of the management together with the commitment and flexibility of the staff are the factore which have brought the school to the forefront in the area. At Lipin Public School, we trained our children not only how to read and write but prepared them how to face the world ahead them.

Learning by doing and playway method is emphasized in curriculum.

Along with academic exceenvironment where all-round development of the individual is promoted with dignity, pricipally through right relationship with God, with others and with whole of creation. We need to keep our eyes and ears open for the signs of unhappiness in the children. They have to be nurtured, cradled, loved and educated.
As we all know that the learning impact on child's mind remains long due to visual aids rather than audio aids. So we have taken an innovative step towards effective and learning with high accuracy. For this we have transferred daily life activities on the holy walls of future building center i.e. Lipin Public school, let me explain few examples.
How a days all fresh brain are enjoying the cartoon (chota bheem and adopting the new things from all the associated characters. We have portrayed those characters on the walls to make them understand the various shapes like circle, rectangle etc. In this way children are in learning mode even if they are at home watching T.V.
Even the furniture is designed to experience the shapes and colour of fruits and vegetables. A child can easily memorize them in a very interesting way. So in this way we are trying to make learning very fast with high accuracy. I would like to say

Education is an essence of a good personality

The school has strived, since its inception, to turn the youth of the country in India into leaders of their own society, politicians, bureaucrates, businessmen, judges, lawyers, engineers, doctors and teacher ....................
We are glad to have you as a new member of Lipin Public School, Bhiwadi, family. Let us work together, pray together and achieve together for your better career, brighter future and wonderful life. We hope to create a new history in you, with you.

